Zephyr’s Dynamash 3.0
On the 23rd of March Zephyr held its annual Dynamash tournament for the third year in a row. Various smashers, including some tournament regulars, attended this Swiss-style tournament to battle it out for a couple of pretty nice trophies.
The most absurdly interesting match was definitely the loser’s final between VeCystim and Eneomas, or rather Eneomas + Kayleigh and VeCystim + 3 Kazuya CPUs at level 9 starting at 50%. Earlier this year the Smash Committee worked on Smash Chaos, but this is something else entirely. The players strangely managed to balance the teams for the third match. The was definitely the strangest set to have ever been played.
The grand finale was an exciting match between VeCystim and Kayleigh, with VeCystim eventually winning the tournament. He mostly played random characters, but reverted his main Banjo-Kazooie anytime things got rough. Keep an eye on the Zephyr YouTube channel to watch some highlights, as well as the VOD of the stream. (Well, as soon as they’ve been uploaded)