Confidential contact person
If you feel like you want to talk to someone about Zephyr, personal experiences or just anything in general, you can contact a confidential contact person.
At this point Zephyr has two appointed confidential contact persons; these are Pim van Leeuwen and May Bobbe. They are both a member of the association and both have board experience within Zephyr. They are always willing to listen to anything you have to say, even if it is just for a personal chat. Furthermore, all of the conversations with them will be confidential and no actions will be taken without your permission.
You do not need to face big issues before contacting a confidential contact person. Even if you “just” feel uncomfortable or feel like talking to someone, a confidential contact person will make some time to listen to you. The contact information is listed on this page, but you can of course also approach them in person (during a training for example).

You can contact Pim as follows:
Phone number: +31 6 40 31 49 85
Discord: thepimenator

You can contact May as follows
Phone number: +31 6 31 99 64 11
Discord: blackeyednoname