ESEV Zephyr


Where Gamers Connect

Pew Pew Event

Pew Pew Event

7th of May 2024

Zephyr x Dorans LAN party

Zephyr x Dorans LAN party

19th-21st of April 2024

About us

E.S.E.V. Zephyr is the student esports association of Eindhoven. We are the place where students interested in gaming and esports meet and play together. 

At Zephyr, we organize weekly training evenings and association evenings, where our members gather to play with each other. These evenings are held on the TU/e campus. During the training evenings, we help our members form teams for them to practice with and compete in the various student esports competitions held throughout the year. We also have over 10 member-run committees that organize fun activities and competitions, such as gaming tournaments, GlowGolf or BBQs. 

We are currently hosting League of Legends, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Counter-Strike, Rocket League and Valorant as our main games. However, many members also join the trainings to hang out with the community and play other games. 

So no matter what you like, whether you just want to hang out with us or compete with a team at the highest level, everybody is welcome at Zephyr!




League of Legends

rocket league


Other games

get in touch

Interested in becoming a member?

Come have a look at either our association evenings or trainings on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Aditionally, check out the Discord or send a mail for questions; we’re happy to give you more insight!