ESEV Zephyr

becoming a member


If you are interested in joining Zephyr you can always visit one of our trainings before needing to become a member. Trainings are on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays between 18:00 and 22:00 in Fenix, but make sure to double-check our calendar to make sure there is nothing else going on then!

What do I need to become a member?

Once you filled in the sign-up form you will receive an email from us with all the info. However here is the what you can expect: There is a €30 sign up fee as well as you need a sports card from the Student Sport Centre Eindhoven.

Once you have a sports card you will also have to select E.S.E.V. Zephyr as you association which we have a guide for down here: How to join Zephyr using DMS

Interested in joining? You can visit any of our regular evenings to experience what it is like
at Zephyr. If you want to make sure that you visit during an evening
that suits you, you can mail for more information.

After you have completed the sign-up form, we will contact you with information on how to pay the contribution fee.

Sign Up Here!